Change to Step 3 Passing Standard Begins January 1, 2024
News & Updates Change to Step 3 Passing Standard Begins January 1, 2024 The United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®) program recognizes the importance of providing all examinees the opportunity to learn about the design and content of its examinations and to have some exposure, before examination day, to samples of testing formats and materials. […]
List of the most amazing breakthroughs in medicine.
Blogs List of the most amazing breakthroughs in Medicine The world has an intense interest in the incredible capabilities of the scientific method, and as such, we will delve into an exploration of the latest and most impressive breakthroughs in the field of medicine. These advancements continue to captivate and inspire us with their incredible […]
Why breakfast is the important meal of the day
Blogs Why breakfast is the important meal of the day? Breakfast has earned the title of ‘most important meal of the day’ due to its role in breaking the fast we undergo during the night. By replenishing our glucose levels, it provides a surge of energy and alertness, while also supplying essential nutrients for overall […]
Seven successful books for beginner Doctor’s
Blogs Seven successful books for beginner Doctor’s It is essential for a medical student to have a strong foundation in the basic concepts and principles of medicine. Standard books are an excellent resource for this purpose, as they provide clear explanations and in-depth coverage of the fundamental concepts. These books are designed to be accessible […]
Tips to pass the USMLE Step 1 exam with ease
Blogs Tips to pass the USMLE Step 1 exam with ease The USMLE Step 1 test is a significant exam for medical students seeking residency. It covers the knowledge and critical thinking skills acquired during the first two years of their studies. This 8-hour exam is not only a mental challenge but also a physical […]
Ten things you don’t know about the healthcare sector.
Blogs Ten things you dont know about the healthcare sector The healthcare industry has been growing significantly over the past few decades due to various factors such as the growing population, aging demographics, urbanization, and rising demand for healthcare for chronic illnesses and comorbidities. This has led to an increase in healthcare expenditure worldwide, as […]
What makes Belize an ideal med-educational hotspot?
Blogs What makes Belize an ideal med-educational hotspot? Belize, which is sometimes called “Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secret”, is situated in Central America between Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the southwest. Its eastern side is bordered by the Caribbean Sea and features numerous islands for visitors to explore, which are protected by the […]
7 mandatory questions to ask your surgeon before a surgery
Blogs 7 mandatory questions to ask your surgeon before a surgery If you are considering surgery, it is essential to be well-informed about the risks and benefits involved in the surgery. To help you gain a better understanding, it is recommended that you ask your healthcare provider important questions and request clarification to clarify any […]
Use caution in selecting review courses
News & Updates Use caution in selecting review courses The United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®) program recognizes the importance of providing all examinees the opportunity to learn about the design and content of its examinations and to have some exposure, before examination day, to samples of testing formats and materials. USMLE provides orientation and […]
USMLE Physician Tasks / Competencies
News & Updates USMLE Physician Tasks / Competencies USMLE Physician Tasks / Competencies, a publication that provides a common organization of competencies and tasks assessed in USMLE examinations, is now available. The outline comprises seven major sections: Medical Knowledge/Scientific Concepts Patient Care: Diagnosis Patient Care: Management Communication and Interpersonal Skills Professionalism, including Legal and Ethical […]